Newborn Session Tip- Photograph the Nursery!

There will come a day, years from now, when your baby’s nursery will no longer look like this. You’ll sell the crib, changing table and baby décor, and swap it out for a “big boy theme” or “big girl theme”. You may even paint the walls too. And while that day is so exciting for your now toddler, it’s an emotional day for us mama’s. In fact, I’m tearing up just thinking about the day we watched my son’s nursery furniture leave the house for the final time. Silly I know…but that furniture holds so many memories and so many firsts! We became a different version of ourselves in this room. Thousands of hours rocking, nursing, soothing, and sleeping. Maybe even losing our temper and then feeling the weight of mom guilt. So…photograph the nursery! For it will be a return ticket to a moment otherwise gone. 

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