About Me

Hey guys! I'm Ashley, and I'm absolutely honored that you've chosen to visit my page! If you've ever had a session with me, you'll know I NEVER look like the photo to the left (or above if you're viewing on your phone). I'm usually in yoga pants, hair up, no makeup...built for speed and comfort as I'm chasing/photographing your kiddos ;)

A little bit about me...I was born and raised here in Jacksonville, FL (so rare I know!) …I’ve been with my husband for 14 years, married for 11, and we have the greatest 8 year old boy that keeps us super busy! He has been my primary inspiration in my photography. I realized after he was born that I would never get these moments back, and the only way I could possibly remember all of his stages was by photographing them! After I got my first DSLR camera, I became absolutely obsessed with photography so I figured it was time to take the leap!

Not only do I think this job is super fun, but I take it very seriously too! These are your MEMORIES we're talking about! Your life! The things you and your children and your children's children will look back on. You'll line the walls of your home with these photos and send them out on Christmas cards. So, it is an understatement to say that I would be honored to be chosen as the photographer that helps you preserve the most special moments of your life! Hope to meet you soon!

Jacksonville Newborn Photographer

Fun Facts

-My middle name is Nichole spelled with an “H” because my Dad misspelled it on my birth certificate in the hospital- Mom was not thrilled, LOL

-My husband tells me I have a black thumb....because I literally kill every plant I touch. Always.

-My guilty pleasure TV show is The Bachelor! I love it...I know it’s so fake and scripted but I can’t help myself!! But I also love Game of Thrones and Dexter so...it's all about balance you guys lol

-I’m a 2x surrogate for 2 amazing families! 

-I hate color....my husband would laugh at that one! I prefer everything neutral ALWAYS. Seriously, my 7 year old asks me what my favorite color is and I say gray, white, or black lol

-I’ve been told by almost all of my clients that I have so much patience...which is actually hilarious because if you ask anyone that knows me that’s the last thing they’d say!!! I guess I only have patience for babies and kids

-I went to school for interior design, and then somewhere along the way fell in love with photography. Clearly my heart desires something artistic!

-I tell all of my clients during and after their session that I AM OBSESSED with all of their photos...and it's true! I really am obsessed with everything I shoot! It makes me giddy!

Jacksonville Newborn Photographer

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